Effervescent dances
Dancer: Georgie
Dance Location: Schliersee, Bavaria
This is a dance that... made me feel free, cold (but in a good way - tingly), and glad to be alive.
My husband Paul and I were on holiday in Schliersee, a lovely little Bavarian village. We had this accommodation that opened out on to a playpark. We’d been out for something to eat and as we got home this fresh snow started falling. I said to Paul “we’re only this way once” and stripped off my clothes and ran outside. I was completely naked, bare bum and all, other than my hat, scarf, and snow boots. It was a dance of the love of life really.
It was evening time, not late, but dark, and it was proper snow, big flakes, and it was heavy. The contrast of it against the night was magical. I was out for about ten minutes, running around, throwing the snow up in the air, feeling the chill on my body. Paul was watching me in disbelief. I remember him shouting “don’t go on the slide, your bum will get stuck!”. He took a photo that captures some of how this moment felt. It sits at the end of our bed.
I have a history of breast cancer and that’s hugely influenced my sense of mortality. You think you’ve got time, but you don’t really know how long you’ve got. I'm quite philosophical about that really.
This dance sits in my belly. It’s fizzy. Effervescent.